A Green Tea Wholesaler in Makinohara
This case provides an overview of the current situation of Shizuoka's green tea industry, studying the management issues of a typical wholesaler in Makinohara. Shizuoka Prefecture still keeps the top share of green tea production but already lost the price leadership, while in this decade it has been faced with the rapid growth of Kagoshima Prefecture which has the second largest share. As was seen in semiconductor-related industries (especially, semiconductor memory), there were some industries in which Japanese companies were completely deprived of their shares by foreign companies, although they had once had overwhelming shares. The goal of this case is to consider the management issues of a green tea wholesaler under the present circumstances surrounding Shizuoka's green tea industry and to help readers find some hints for management decisions of companies including those in other industries in a similar situation. For the study materials on other prefectures known for green tea production and Japanese semiconductor-related companies, please refer to other cases (coming soon).